Short Demo

In this short demo (~5 minutes), we will set up a running James demo very quickly using a prepared Docker image. Then you will add a domain, and a user account within that domain.


  • Docker

Set up the demo server

To begin, run the James demo server using Docker:

docker run -d -p "25:25" -p "143:143" --name james apache/james:demo-latest


  • docker run runs the provided image with the given parameters

  • The -d parameter runs the container in "detached" mode

  • -p "25:25" -p "143:143" attaches the image ports to the ports 25 (SMTP) and 143 (IMAP) on the host machine

  • The --name james parameter gives the running container a name to make it easier to manipulate

  • apache/james:demo-latest is the image that is used for this demo

Docker will pull the image and start the container.

Connect via the CLI

To run commands using the James CLI, you can use the running container via Docker:

docker exec james james-cli <<COMMAND>>

As an example, list all the domains currently in use by James:

docker exec james james-cli listDomains

You should notice that a default domain, james.local, has been created

List all the current users:

docker exec james james-cli listUsers

You should see users user01@james.local, user02@james.local, and user03@james.local.

Create a new "test.local" domain:

docker exec james james-cli addDomain test.local

List the domains again to ensure that "test.local" has successfully been added:

docker exec james james-cli listDomains

Add the user "testuser" to the "test.local" domain with password "password":

docker exec james james-cli addUser testuser@test.local password

You should now see your newly created user:

docker exec james james-cli listUsers

And that’s a wrap!

Stop the server

To stop the demo:

docker stop james ; docker rm james