Short Demo
In this short demo (~5 minutes), we will set up a runing James demo very quickly using a prepared Docker image. Then you will add a domain, and a user account within that domain.
Set up the demo server
To begin, run the James demo server using Docker:
docker run -d -p "25:25" -p "143:143" --name james linagora/james-jpa-sample:3.4.0
docker run
runs the provided image with the given parameters -
parameter runs the container in "detached" mode -
-p "25:25" -p "143:143"
attaches the image ports to the ports 25 (SMTP) and 143 (IMAP) on the host machine -
--name james
parameter gives the running container a name to make it easier to manipulate -
is the image that is used for this demo
Docker will pull the image and start the container.
Connect via the CLI
To make this demo a little easier to use, set this up as a bash script by copying and pasting this script:
printf '#!/bin/bash\n\ndocker exec james java -jar /root/james-cli.jar -h -p 9999 $@' >> james ; chmod +x james
As an example, list all the domains currently in use by James:
./james listDomains
You should notice that a default domain, james.local, has been created
List all the current users:
./james listUsers
You should see users user01@james.local
, user02@james.local
, and user03@james.local
Create a new "test.local" domain:
./james addDomain test.local
List the domains again to ensure that "test.local" has successfully been added:
./james listDomains
Add the user "testuser" to the "test.local" domain with password "password":
./james addUser testuser@test.local password
You should now see your newly created user:
./james listUsers
And that’s a wrap!