Distributed James Server — usersrepository.xml

User repositories are required to store James user information and authentication data.

Consult this example to get some examples and hints.

The user data model

A user has two attributes: username and password.

A valid user should satisfy these criteria:

  • username and password cannot be null or empty

  • username should not be longer than 255 characters

  • username can not contain '/'

  • username can not contain multiple domain delimiter('@')

  • A username can have only a local part when virtualHosting is disabled. E.g.'myUser'

  • When virtualHosting is enabled, a username should have a domain part, and the domain part should be concatenated after a domain delimiter('@'). E.g. 'myuser@james.org'

A user is always considered as lower cased, so 'myUser' and 'myuser' are the same user, and can be used as well as recipient local part than as login for different protocols.


Table 1. usersrepository.xml content
Property name explanation


true or false. Add domain support for users (default: false, except for Cassandra Users Repository)


user’s name. Allow a user to access to the impersonation command, acting on the behalf of any user.

Configuring a LDAP

If you run the LDAP fashion of the distributed server, you need to configure the properties for accessing your LDAP server in this file.

Consult this example to get some examples and hints.


<repository name="LocalUsers" class="org.apache.james.user.ldap.ReadOnlyUsersLDAPRepository" ldapHost="ldap://myldapserver:389"
    principal="uid=ldapUser,ou=system" credentials="password" userBase="ou=People,o=myorg.com,ou=system" userIdAttribute="uid"/>;