Distributed James Server — cassandra.properties

Consult this example to get some examples and hints.


Here are generic properties:

Table 1. cassandra.properties content
Property name explanation


List of some nodes of the cassandra’s cluster in following format host:port or host, if the port is not specified we use 9042


Indicate if the keyspace should be created by James. Optional, default value: false If set to true James will attempt to create the keyspace when starting up.


Is the name of the keyspace used by James. Optional, default value: apache_james


Username used as a credential for contacting Cassandra cluster. Optional, default is absent, required if cassandra.password is supplied


Password used as a credential for contacting Cassandra cluster. Optional, default is absent, required if <strong>cassandra.user</strong> is supplied


Whether SSL should be enabled on the communications with Cassandra cluster. Optional, defaults to false.

The keystore used for trusting SSL server socket can be set via JSSE system properties as explained on Cassandra driver manual.


Is the replication factor used upon keyspace creation. Modifying this property while the keyspace already exists will have no effect. Optional. Default value 1.


If specified all queries that take more than the given integer in millisecond will be considered slow and logged. If not specified by default a DynamicThresholdQueryLogger will be used (see above)


Default is com.datastax.driver.core.QueryLogger.DEFAULT_SLOW_QUERY_THRESHOLD_PERCENTILE. The latency percentile beyond which queries are considered 'slow' and will be logged. If you specify cassandra.query.logger.constant.threshold, you should not specify this property


Default is com.datastax.driver.core.QueryLogger.DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_STRING.LENGTH. The maximum length of a CQL query string that can be logged verbatim by the cassandra driver


Default is com.datastax.driver.core.QueryLogger.DEFAULT_MAX_LOGGED_PARAMETERS. The maximum number of query parameters that can be logged by the cassandra driver


Default is com.datastax.driver.core.QueryLogger.DEFAULT_MAX_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH. The maximum length of query parameter value that can be logged by the cassandra driver


Optional. If specified defines the Cassandra driver read timeout.


Optional. Allows specifying the driver default consistency level. Defaults to QUORUM. Allowed values: QUORUM, LOCAL_QUORUM, or EACH_QUORUM


Optional. Allows specifying the driver serial consistency level. Defaults to SERIAL. Allowed values: SERIAL or LOCAL_SERIAL

Pooling options

Here are some properties for Pooling options:

# Read com.datastax.driver.core.PoolingOptions for knowing defaults value
# No value here will default to driver's default value

# cassandra.pooling.local.max.connections=8
# cassandra.pooling.local.max.requests=128
## In ms. Should be higher than socket read timeout
# cassandra.pooling.timeout=5000
## In seconds.
# cassandra.pooling.heartbeat.timeout=30
# cassandra.pooling.max.queue.size=256
Table 2. cassandra.properties content
Property name explanation


Optional. Defaults to 8. If specified defines the Cassandra maximum number of connections to hosts (remote and local).


Optional. Defaults to 128. If specified defines the Cassandra maximum number of concurrent requests per connection.


Optional. Defaults to 5000 (ms). If specified defines the Cassandra timeout for waiting in the pool queue. Should be higher than sockets timeout.


Optional. Defaults to 30 (s). If specified defines the Cassandra heartbeat timeout.


Optional. Defaults to 256. If specified defines the Cassandra maximum size of the connection pool queue.

If you want more explanation about Cassandra configuration, you should visit the dedicated documentation.

Cassandra Mailbox Configuration

cassandra.properties file furthermore expose some options to tune the Cassandra Mailbox behaviour.

Table 3. cassandra.properties content
Property name explanation


Optional. Defaults to 0.1 (10% chance). Must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Controls the probability of doing a read-repair upon mailbox read.


Optional. Defaults to 0.1 (10% chance). Must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Controls the probability of doing a read-repair upon mailbox read.


Optional. Defaults to 0.1 (10% chance). Must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Controls the probability of doing a read-repair upon mailbox counters read. Formula: read_repair_chance = min(mailbox.counters.read.repair.chance.max, (100/unseens)*mailbox.counters.read.repair.chance.one.hundred)


Optional. Defaults to 0.01 (1% chance). Must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Controls the probability of doing a read-repair upon mailbox counters read. Formula: read_repair_chance = min(mailbox.counters.read.repair.chance.max, (100/unseens)*mailbox.counters.read.repair.chance.one.hundred)


Optional. Defaults to 1000. Controls the number of retries upon Cassandra ACL updates.


Optional. Defaults to 100000. Controls the number of retries upon Cassandra ModSeq generation.


Optional. Defaults to 100000. Controls the number of retries upon Cassandra Uid generation.


Optional. Defaults to 1000. Controls the number of retries upon Cassandra flags update, in MessageMapper.


Optional. Defaults to 1000. Controls the number of retries upon Cassandra flags update, in MessageIdMapper.


Optional. Defaults to 1000. Controls the number of remaining rows we should wait before prefetch when paging.


Optional. Defaults to 100. Controls the number of messages to be retrieved in parallel.


Optional. Defaults to 102400 (100KB). Controls the size of blob parts used to store messages in the Cassandra blobStore.


Optional. Boolean, defaults to true. Disabling should be considered experimental. If enabled, regular consistency level is used for read transactions for message. This might result in stale reads as the system.paxos table will not be checked for latest updates. Better performance are expected by turning it off. Note that reads performed as part of write transactions are always performed with a strong consistency.