Custom Mailbox Listeners

Writing additional listener

An extension writer can write new additional mailbox listeners.

To do so, extend the GroupMailboxListener defined in the mailbox-api.

Here is the dependency:


Here are the methods you can implement:

    void event(Event event) throws Exception;

allows you to specify the business logic you want to execute upon new events generation.

    boolean isHandling(Event event);

Allows to know if this event is worth execution, and should be sent on the EventBus. This avoids execution of non handled events and can save some IOs.

Registration of custom additional listeners

Your custom additional listener needs to be in the extensions-jars folder.

You need to register its fully qualified class name in listeners.xml


Your listener will be called for the following events:

  • MailboxAdded: A new mailbox had been created

  • MailboxDeletion: A new mailbox had been deleted

  • MailboxRenamed: A mailbox was renamed

  • MailboxACLUpdated: The rights of a mailbox had been changed

  • Expunged: Some messages had been deleted

  • FlagsUpdated: Some message flags had been updated

  • Added: New messages had been added to a mailbox

  • QuotaUsageUpdatedEvent: The quota of a given account had changed

  • MessageMoveEvent: A message was moved between mailboxes. This carries an account wide information. Spoecific mailboxes event (Added & Expunged) will be emitted as well.


This page provides a working example for writing additional custom mailbox listeners.