Distributed James Server — About RemoteDelivery error handling

The advanced server mailQueue implemented by combining RabbitMQ for messaging and cassandra for administrative operation does not support delays.

Delays are an important feature for Mail Exchange servers, allowing to defer in time the retries, potentially letting the time for the remote server to recover. Furthermore, they enable implementation of advanced features like throttling and rate limiting of emails sent to a given domain.

As such, the use of the distributed server as a Mail Exchange server is currently discouraged.

However, for operators willing to inter-operate with a limited set of well-identified, trusted remote mail servers, such limitation can be reconsidered. The main concern then become error handling for remote mail server failures. The following document will present a well tested strategy for Remote Delivery error handling leveraging standards Mail Processing components and mechanisms.


Such a solution should:

  • Attempt delivery a single time

  • Store transient and permanent failure in different mail repositories

  • After a given number of tries, transient failures should be considered permanent


Schema detailing the proposed solution
  • Remote Delivery is configured for performing a single retry.

  • Remote Delivery attaches the error code and if the failure is permanent/temporary when transferring failed emails to the bounce processor.

  • The specified bounce processor will categorise the failure, and store temporary and permanent failures in different mail repositories.

  • A reprocessing of the temporary delivery errors mailRepository needs to be scheduled in a recurring basis. For instance via a CRON job calling the right webadmin endpoint.

  • A counter ensures that a configured number of delivery tries is not exceeded.


MailRepositories are not meant for transient data storage, and thus are prone to tombstone issues.

This might be acceptable if you need to send mail to well-known peers. For instance handling your mail gateway failures. However a Mail Exchange server doing relay on the internet would quickly hit this limitation.

Also note that external triggering of the retry process is needed.


Here is an example of configuration achieving the proposed solution:

        <processor state="relay" enableJmx="true">
            <!-- Perform at most 5 RemoteDelivery attemps -->
            <mailet match="AtMost=5" class="RemoteDelivery">
                <!-- Use a custom processor for error handling -->
            <!-- When retries are exceeded, consider the mail as a permanent failure -->
            <mailet match="All" class="ToRepository">

        <processor state="remote-delivery-error" enableJmx="true">
            <!-- Store temporary failures separately for later retries -->
            <mailet match="IsRemoteDeliveryTemporaryError" class="ToRepository">
            <!-- Store permanent failures for audit -->
            <mailet match="IsRemoteDeliveryPermanentError" class="ToRepository">
            <!-- Mail getting that far were not processed by remote delivery.
             Likely a configuration error. -->
            <mailet match="All" class="ToRepository">


  • The relay processor holds a RemoteDelivery mailet configured to do a single try, at most 5 times (see the AtMost matcher). Mails exceeding the AtMost condition are considered as permanent delivery errors. Delivery errors are sent to the remote-delivery-error processor.

  • The remote-delivery-error stores temporary and permanent errors.

  • Permanent relay errors are stored in cassandra://var/mail/error/remote-delivery/permanent/.

  • Temporary relay errors are stored in cassandra://var/mail/error/remote-delivery/temporary/.

In order to retry the relay of temporary failed emails, operators will have to configure a cron job for reprocessing emails from cassandra://var/mail/error/remote-delivery/temporary/ mailRepository into the relay processor.

This can be achieved via the following webAdmin call :

curl -XPATCH 'http://ip:8000/mailRepositories/cassandra%3A%2F%2Fvar%2Fmail%2Ferror%2Fremote-delivery%2Ftemporary%2F/mails?action=reprocess&processor=relay'

Administrators need to keep a close eye on permanent errors (that might require audit, and potentially contacting the remote service supplier).

To do so, one should regularly audit the content of cassandra://var/mail/error/remote-delivery/permanent/. This can be done via webAdmin calls:

curl -XGET 'http://ip:8000/mailRepositories/cassandra%3A%2F%2Fvar%2Fmail%2Ferror%2Fremote-delivery%2Ftemporary%2F/mails'